Early Spring Cleaning
Greetings Friends! We've been doing some housekeeping around here, polishing up features in a number of different areas. We thought we'd give a quick update to share what we've been up to.
Non-Tax Deductible Funds
When creating or modifying a fund, you can specify if the fund is tax deductible or not. Only contributions given to tax deductible funds will show up on end-of-year giving statements.
Search by Added Date
When searching for people, we've added the ability to filter based on the date they were added into Breeze, making it easy to find newly added visitors.
Family Search Updated
When searching for people, we've added an option under the "Family Role" search field to search for people not in any family.
Negative Numbers
Negative numbers can now be stored within contributions, allowing you to keep a paper trail of reversals/chargebacks.
Tag Labels Retired
We've retired an infrequently-used feature called labels that was an attempt to organize tags. We strive to make everything as intuitive as possible and this one just wasn't up to our standards.
My Account Permission
The "My Account" permission controls who can see the information related to your Breeze account, credit card on file with us, etc. We've expanded the "My Account" permission to give fine-tuned control over what aspects of this permission users are given.
Online Giving Start Date
If you're using the Breeze giving page with Stripe as the processor, donors can now specify when they want their recurring donation to begin.
SecureGive Import Supported
If you use SecureGive as a payment provider, you can now import your SecureGive export files directly into Breeze.
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